The Jawoyn Association and RISE Ventures have joined forces to deliver the Community Development Programme (CDP) and boost employment and training in the central Arnhem region.
The Federal Government funded program is aimed at increasing employment opportunities for Indigenous people on welfare.
The new partnership called Nyirrunggulung-Rise, which means working together, will begin delivering the program to communities of Beswick, Barunga and Manyallaluk next week, on July 1.
Jawoyn Association board chairperson Lisa Mumbin said the partnership’s strategy puts Indigenous people and communities at the heart of its operations.
“As a major economic player, employer and representative of Indigenous people in the region, we understand community needs,” Ms Mumbin said.
“We’re thrilled to be partnering with experienced provider RISE to ensure CDP will be culturally appropriate and focused on meeting local needs.”
RISE chief executive officer Michael Hobday said RISE will continue to work with individuals, communities and local employers to get more people into jobs and build stronger communities.
“Our goal is to deliver better opportunities for remote job-seekers and foster stronger economic and social outcomes for people living in remote Australia,” Mr Hobday said.
“We expect to have an active caseload of over 400 participants in the next 12 months and will be looking to ensure young people are particularly supported through the program so they have access to training and sustainable employment.”
Jawoyn Association chief executive officer says the region has important sectors the partnership can target to improve employment outcomes for Indigenous people.
“The Katherine and Arnhem region offers a number of tourist destinations, including Nitmiluk National Park, Cutta Cutta caves and Mataranka Springs, which make for a thriving local tourist industry” chief executive officer said.
“In addition to tourism, the region is home to significant operations across land management, pastoral, defence and construction, all of which can offer employment and training for our people.
“We look forward to exploring these opportunities under Nyirrunggulung-Rise.”
For more information, visit the website:
For comment please contact:
Jawoyn Association – 0437 326 986